Monday, February 10, 2014

ALOHA KAKOU!                                                                                                             Feb. 5, 2014

       Ive been working on my hawaiian lately, a lot of people ask if i play the Ukulele and what not and I hang my head with shame... haha 
       We had our stake conference this week, it was amazing. They were reorganizing the High Council. So we were visited by an Apostle, Elder Marcus B Nash of the 70. It was such a powerful stake conference.

       We were able to go to the Priesthood session where He spoke with Elder Erickson from the area 70. The spirit was so strong. They talked about the Priesthood and how its Gods Power and we hold it, what a privileged it is that Heavenly Father trusts us with this remarkable power. How we can be better fathers and the importance of Priesthood holders.

       I dont know what it is about me and Stake Conferences, but Elder Dunlap and I had the opportunity with the Cedar 3rd ward council to role play on the stand, of a high council meeting in front of the stake... Elder Nash and the New stake President... Mission Pres. & Counselors, etc. No pressure... We were to focus the meeting on missionary work and how the ward council could help this one family. With no guidelines from Elder Nash, we relied solemnly on the spirit. Being the main characters in this role play we did our best. It went according to what we planned with the bishop and the ward council. Elder Nash was happy with our missionary meeting. I was glad when it was over! haha... nervous.
       He proceeded to introduce his talk about "the Hastening of the Work of Salvation", Members and Missionaries working together to hasten his work. He spoke about the hastening and how we can all be member missionaries.

       One of the things that really impacted me was when he was shared and spoke about D&C 138:55-57 "the noble and great ones who were chosen in the beginning ". He talked about the pre-earth life and how we had friends we needed to find. After expounding on the scripture a little more, Elder Nash then explained that "you have been preparing long before you were born to serve the Lord." I really thought and continue to ponder about this statement. I thought to myself " I chose to serve a mission before I was born, I chose to come to earth now, at this time, to find those who I promised to find." This statement and concept of "people we promised to find" is only a reminder of what my wise Mother had once told me. This same testimony drove me in my "Mission Papers" process. Its driven me through the 3 long months before my mission, 2 weeks in the MTC and continues to drive my passion for this work.

       An Elder who I look up to shared this poem with me which is perfect and powerful in every line in relation to this divine driving force...

I'll Find You My Friend

Author unknown
I was thinking about our friendship, 
and these are my feelings:

In heaven we were the best of friends.

We did everything together.
One day, a grand council was called in heaven.
We knew it was an important event.
Everyone was there --
Moses, Noah and Jesus Christ.
Father presented a plan,
And we voted for Christ to be our Savior.
After the council, we ran to get in line
to receive our life package.
In the bustle, we were separated.
I received my package and ran to you.
You were sitting under a tree.
We opened our packages,
Mine said I would be born at a time
When the gospel was restored to the earth.
It said that I would have good parents,
And the fullness of the gospel in my home.
I jumped for joy and we hugged each other.
You were so happy for me. Then you read yours.
I saw the tears in your eyes and I asked what was wrong?
You said that you would also be born when the gospel was restored,
But you would be born in a different place,
And the gospel would not be in your home.
You looked me straight in the eye and said:
 No matter what it takes or the trials you have to endure,
and bring me the gospel of Jesus Christ.

       I know that I waited to come to earth here and now, to find those I've promised to bring them this gift. Those who wouldn't be born in this gospel. I know I promised many, that I would find them. I would bring them the eternal plan of love and happiness of our loving heavenly father. So that we could continue to be friends in eternity. Words cannot express my thanks to my wonderful mother who made that necessary decision to be married in the temple to my humble father. I am so blessed to be born into this gospel. I am lucky to have been raised in its doctrine. Those who weren't so lucky... it is my duty and our duty to find them and bring them with us to enter that celestial home where our Eternal Father lives. We must do out part to open our mouths and share the happiness and joy that comes from this gospel. We will "take them with us" into the Kingdom of our Father. I know this is the only true gospel on this earth, one that we must "simply" share to our brothers and sisters. I love being a missionary and having the privilege to show my love to my savior, by fulfilling my calling as a messenger of these Eternal Truths.

Elder Soren

Me and my tall comp... I look 5 yrs old... hahha  #youngblood

with Elder Nash

Hahaha!  Elder Soren & Elder Dunlap

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