Ho Its UNREAL that its my last day on the mission... it hasn't
hit me yet that im actually leaving, it just feels like another day being a
missionary. im sure it will come once i see my mama tomorrow! its wild to think
about all the experiences ive had in the 2 years here that have had such an
impact on my life and now its time to return home. So many wonderful people
that ive met who have very special places in my heart, they are what ill miss
the most. im so grateful for all the missionaries ive been able to meet as
well, so many life long friends who ive been able to have such amazing
spiritual experiences with.
ive been thinking a lot about where i was at the beginning and
even before my mission. ive realized so many beautiful truths that my Heavenly
Father has blessed me with throughout my life.
i left for my mission with nothing more than a personal
testimony that the book of mormon is true, and that families are forever. i
didnt know much about any other gospel principal or even basic doctrine or
beliefs. But i knew those 2 things for sure and with a willing heart it was
enough for God to shape me and teach me all that i needed to know to be a
Now that i reflect on all the things that ive learned and
experienced, i know with all my heart that this gospel is the perfect gospel of
our Savior Jesus Christ. Restored in these days, so that we may have joy in
knowing pure truth that our Father in Heaven has given us.
i know that God loves me, He blessed me with this opportunity to
live the principals of the gospel every day for 2 years and exercise faith in
all of them. As i have done so, i have been able to gain a personal testimony
of so many wonderful truths for my self. I have felt them, i heard them, i saw
it happen in the lives of those that God loves. Every where. Ive been able to
teach and testify of them along the way.
My favorite part of being a missionary is teaching. i love
learning environments and there's no greater joy than when something taught
clicks and is understood especially when it has to do with divine principals. All
are truly edified, when the spirit is the one truly teaching.
We had an amazing lesson with a new family that we met. They
told us of how the Lord has been working in their lives this past week and all
the spiritual "coincidences". We helped them realize that it was God
turning them towards him, now its time to progress and move forward. I
mentioned that i felt the spirit there in their home and the wife said...
"wait really? you can feel that? in our home?!? wow.." she was so
excited to hear that the spirit was there. They haven’t had the best situation
in the home so it surprised her. The Spirit truly brings happiness, peace, and
serenity to a home especially when invited by righteous things. we were all
edified by the spirit as we taught them. i love feeling the spirit as i teach.
it really is my favorite thing.
i know i could share 50 reasons why i am so thankful for my
mission. and what it has taught me. But i know words will only be words unless
my actions reflect all that ive learned. i know im not perfect but i will
strive to live the way the Lord taught me to live. i invite you, if you want to
know more of these truths and my experiences i would gladly take the time to
call you or talk with you about them face to face. :)
i am more in debt to my Heavenly Father for one of the greatest
blessings i have ever been given. i thought i would give back to Him by serving
Him for 2 years, but He has given me so much more.
i will miss this place so much. The place where i came to know
my Savior and what He did for me. That is the greatest truth that ive come to a
knowledge of, that the Atonement is real and it really did happen, its for me
and you and everyone of Gods children.
i love my mission.
i look forward to see you all.
forever will be
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