I am so stoked to be here. My mission has preformed wonders in my life and i've seen it preform miracles in others. I am almost sad that im a quarter way done (which isn't long at all) but it reminds me that this Joy doesn't last forever. That i'm getting closer to the ender each time a number on the calendar shows up. There is so much more I need to learn and experience. I know I have a lot more ahead of me but I don't want it to end. I've become addicted to the principal and cycle of progression, in my self and seeing it in others. I love seeing my fellow brothers and sisters grow as they exercise faith in Jesus Christ. As they progress to the waters of baptism in which is the gate to Eternal Happiness.
I know my Heavenly Father watches over all of us as we strive to follow his will. He provides the blessings OTHER people need through us, as we serve and care for our fellow brothers and sisters. And through this service our needs are taken care of as well.
It's wonderful to see how the Lord works with us, to help us receive our answers through loving others. When we all work together towards one goal. "To Bring to pass the eternal life of man". He blesses us with everything we could possibly need in this life.
I've been learning all I can about Jesus Christ, and his purpose here on earth. As I have, I've noticed and was reminded, of a pattern in everything our savior has done for us. It's Love. He did everything in his life because he Loves us. Because He loves our Heavenly Father. He never thought about himself, ever. After fasting for 40 days and 40 nights he was tempted by Satan. But immediately after he healed the sick and fed the 5000. Did he ever think to rest? No, he continued serving his Father's children. Because he loves us.
There have been times in the mission when I just did not want to go out. But as I learn more about Him and his strength, I was strengthened. I was lifted and I was able. I learned to rely on my Savior and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Knowing that I was doing all I could and having faith that he was there beside me.
I've seen how having Faith has brought true miracles in my life and the lives of others. Faith in the Savior, the first principal of the gospel is one of the most powerful gifts we have been given.
My testimony has grown as I have been experiencing and applying the principals I learn each day. Faith in the principal and in the Savior, applying or acting, brings miracles, which strengthen our testimony.
I have a sure testimony that my Savior Loves me and through him I can do all things.
I am so thankful for this gospel
I love my mission
I am thankful for my Parents who have built me on a strong Foundation
I love you all
Elder Soren