Monday, March 31, 2014

6 months already!


I am so stoked to be here. My mission has preformed wonders in my life and i've seen it preform miracles in others. I am almost sad that im a quarter way done (which isn't long at all) but it reminds me that this Joy doesn't last forever. That i'm getting closer to the ender each time a number on the calendar shows up. There is so much more I need to learn and experience. I know I have a lot more ahead of me but I don't want it to end. I've become addicted to the principal and cycle of progression, in my self and seeing it in others. I love seeing my fellow brothers and sisters grow as they exercise faith in Jesus Christ.  As they progress to the waters of baptism in which is the gate to Eternal Happiness.   

I know my Heavenly Father watches over all of us as we strive to follow his will. He provides the blessings OTHER people need through us, as we serve and care for our fellow brothers and sisters. And through this service our needs are taken care of as well.

It's wonderful to see how the Lord works with us, to help us receive our answers through loving others. When we all work together towards one goal. "To Bring to pass the eternal life of man".  He blesses us with everything we could possibly need in this life.

I've been learning all I can about Jesus Christ, and his purpose here on earth.  As I have, I've noticed and was reminded, of a pattern in everything our savior has done for us. It's Love. He did everything in his life because he Loves us. Because He loves our Heavenly Father. He never thought about himself, ever. After fasting for 40 days and 40 nights he was tempted by Satan. But immediately after he healed the sick and fed the 5000. Did he ever think to rest?  No, he continued serving his Father's children. Because he loves us.

There have been times in the mission when I just did not want to go out. But as I learn more about Him and his strength, I was strengthened. I was lifted and I was able. I learned to rely on my Savior and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Knowing that I was doing all I could and having faith that he was there beside me.

I've seen how having Faith has brought true miracles in my life and the lives of others. Faith in the Savior, the first principal of the gospel is one of the most powerful gifts we have been given.
My testimony has grown as I have been experiencing and applying the principals I learn each day. Faith in the principal and in the Savior, applying or acting, brings miracles, which strengthen our testimony.

I have a sure testimony that my Savior Loves me and through him I can do all things.

I am so thankful for this gospel

I love my mission

I am thankful for my Parents who have built me on a strong Foundation

I love you all

Elder Soren

Mountain Biking

Monday, March 24, 2014



       This week has been pretty tough, the whole district is in the middle of a trial of our faith. But that's okay because we know what we gotta do and how we can accomplish our goals.

       I don't have much time to write today but things have been good.  I'm learning a lot about the different leadership responsibilities and i've been realizing how this will benefit me in the future.

       One of these things is the "paper work" and keeping track of numbers and the missionaries investigators. But! its good practice for when I run my SRHI stores ;) managing everything haha its tedious but its good. I'm glad im learning these skills now so that when I get home things will be moving at such an accelerated pace because of the experiences here on the mission.
        The sun has been coming out more and I am able to wear short sleeves!  I forgot what the sun feels like on my skin!  I'm already starting to have a farmers tan! haha so bad. oh wells i'll get home and be just as dark as I was within 2 days of getting sunburnt lol. 

        This morning we went mountain biking/hiking it was crazy fun. I was strugggglling to get up to the top. but the way down was so awesome flying down the trail hitting branches and crashing.  It was a lot of fun, reminds me of all the crazy stuff we would do back home.  

         I'm so glad that I'm close to the mountains and the outdoors everything's beautiful up here.  It's always good to get out and explore and adventure, I need it to keep me sane. I feel like i'm indoors waaayyyy too much.

         The work has been great though, we have been finding a bunch of potential investigators and we're excited to see things start picking up. We have a goal for the whole district to baptize in April and we have faith that we can! but we need to work hard to!  Faith +  Works = Blessings, blessings, blessings. 

sorry I gotta peace out but I hope YALL are having a great week, been missing my aina!


Elder Soren  
Our District

Me & Elder Edwards

Monday, March 10, 2014



     This week has been pretty awesome! I have had a lot of cool personal experiences with studies and the Spirit.

     Things have been awesome. Elder Edwards and I have been working hard and trying to work with the members to find new investigators to teach. And we have!  It's been so amazing to witness this monumental event in history. "Hastening The Work Of Salvation". It's now. And we are all apart of it. What a blessing it is to be here on earth at this time. The Lord has definitely prepared us all before we were born to receive these responsibilities in this life time, to "take the Gospel to all the world".

     District Leadership has been a lot less stressful now that I got the hang of things. I found the key to being a good leader is to LOVE the ones you SERVE. Once I figured it out things started flowing. I have a lot of fun talking to the companionships and helping them with their areas and things they want to work on. They also help me and my companion with different ideas and ways that they have had success in their area. Its so awesome to work together to serve the Lord more effectively.

    Yesterday I had to give a talk in one of our wards. It was on Faith, what a basic and plain topic right?  Faith being as we read in Alma. "And now as I said concerning faith—Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true" but there is a lot more to faith than just believing.  It's working towards a worthy goal, with the reassurance that out Heavenly Father will support us.  Just merely believing that something will happen without putting forth the effort is only a fourth of faith.  After we Believe that anything is possible through the Lord we must Plan.  Plan on what I can DO in order to achieve this worthy goal. Then DO. After you have DONE all you can the Lord steps in and blessings come from the Heavens. For we all know that "faith without works, is dead."  My understanding of this simple principal of faith has grown so much and I know how it works. 
      I feel as if that's the key to gospel principals, once you understand how they work, you then understand the promises that come after you exercise the principal with faith that it will work. And as one uses this "IF" and "THEN" concept with gospel principals you can unlock the powers of Heaven and you receive a personal witness and testimony of that principal. You will know its true.  You will gain a greater understanding of the gospel.  Your testimony will grow.  And we can grow closer to our Heavenly Father.

     One member told me that Missionaries learn more in their 2 years of service, than an active member without serving a mission, could learn in 40 years. I strongly encourage all who are eligible, worthy, and available to take this opportunity our Loving Heavenly Father has given us to serve Him. To show our love for Him.  A good friend told me "that a mission doesn't need you... Heavenly Father dosent need you to serve a mission... you need Him... You need the mission."  It is so true.  Who am I that the Lord needs me, He is all and He is everything. If he wanted to convert everyone He could but he has given us this opportunity to learn and grow, as full time and member missionaries.

     I know that if you take this opportunity to fulfill your calling as a member missionary you will have a happiness in your life that you can't get anywhere else.  Not even a temporal week at Disney Land.  Make your Home, your town, your city, a Disney Land as you share the gospel to all.

Ive been missing the ocean more than ever this week!!!

until we meeeeeet againnnnn

Aloha 'oe

Elder Soren

Zone Leader, Elder Duano & District Leader, Elder Soren

The Single Sisters took us out to eat!

Monday, March 3, 2014

5 months already. Balancing out, Numbers and Love


        This week was pretty out of the norm... things are great though. The weather is very bipolar, yesterday it was sunny then it started raining, then hailing... and storming, thunder and everything... Good thing i brought my umbrella. haha.

       This week we had our zone conference and attended a funeral for a family that passed away in our zone :( so it was a pretty interesting week in Pocatello.

       The Funeral was a pretty sad event for all of Pocatello. A bunch of us missionaries in the area went to sing before the funeral it was a very spiritual event and an honor.  I don't know how far news travels, but 4 members of a family passed away due to carbon monoxide poisoning.  Parents and 2 young sons.  The only surviving family members were their 2 missionaries serving in the states. The missionaries came home to support their family for the funeral and are planning on going back out.  I can't even imagine what i would do if i were in their shoes. The funeral service was huge about 2000 people and broadcast to England where the mom is from. It was one of the most wonderful funeral services i've been to.  I would say it was just as powerful as stake or general conference.  Everything that was said was focused on the plan of salvation and missionary work. The father that passed away was the ward mission leader for 2 of my elders and we had just seen him at the baptism they had the day they passed.  So missionary work was talked about a lot. Even a general authority from the quorum of the 70 was there on behalf of the first presidency. This funeral service reminded me why I am serving a mission and how grateful i am for my family and for this beautiful gospel plan that we have been blessed with. The example of those 2 missionaries humbled every bone in my body. I always think i have it hard but nothing compared to these 2 faithful servants of the Lord. Their example and story will be in my heart through out the rest of my mission and my life.

       One of the things that i have been working on is trying balance loving the people and producing numbers and not loosing myself to the statistics. Having to be an example to the district, I have to be showing that the skills that are taught work through the example of my area. I knew this when i was called, so the first 2 weeks i came in "guns blazin".. lol all stoked and amped to baptize and convert, to put numbers on the board, to get the district to produce numbers also. What i quickly learned was that it wasn't working... once i realized that things need time and love in order to progress I realized that i was caught up in the Mission's Standard of Excellence and not paying attention to the people and their hearts.
        As i realized this mentality, i remembered the words from a friend of mine who told me a few months ago..."remember the numbers are only important because they show us our progress... they are not the focus...serve and share with LOVE all who the Lord puts in front of in God and the work He has set out for you to do. And I promise you that if you do all of this the "numbers" will soar off the charts without you even trying."  The words in this letter kept coming into my head and as I read the letter and pondered it i know that these things were inspired from the Lord for this specific reason. He knew that i would have to be dealing with numbers and He knew that i would have this calling. He had my friend send this inspired letter specifically for me at this time in my life and mission.
        I never thought numbers could ever get in the way of loving others but i am glad that i realized this early on in my mission and im so grateful for my friend and her obedience to the spirit. I tried this week to focus less on the numbers and statistics and focus on listening and loving. I have seen some amazing and "magical" things happen in lessons, and as i serve others. It has been so amazing and I know that this lesson that I have learned will bless my mission and those who I meet and love.

        These experiences that have changed my life I will cherish forever. These experiences have taught me wonderful life skills that will continue to bless me and my family for generations. Life lessons that money could never buy. Blessings that gold or silver could never amount to. These are experiences that one could only have by serving our loving Heavenly Father.

Stoked to be a Servant.

Elder Soren

Our Zone

a picture of a picture but ya that's when Elder Bednar was with us.... i wasn't smiling…The Whole Mission
with Elder Rabe
One of my friends that we're teaching in a recovery home, he's the man!

Pocatello, Idaho
no waves!

One huge dog that was bigger than me!